


get the subplot shape in a visbrain scene :param visb_sc: :return: tuple (number of rows, number of columns)

pyglet_plot(mesh_in[, values, color_map, …])

Visualize a trimesh object using pyglet as proposed in trimesh the added value is for texture visualization :param mesh_in: trimesh object :param values: numpy array of a texture to be visualized on the mesh :param color_map: str, matplotlib colormap, default is ‘jet’ :param plot_colormap: Boolean, if True use matplotlib to plot the colorbar of the map on a separate figure :param caption: Title of window :param alpha_transp: mesh transparency parameter, 0=transparent, 255=solid :param background_color: :param default_color: color of vertices or faces where ‘values’ is NaN :param cmap_bounds : bounds to impose on the colormap :return:

save_image(scene_viewer, filename)

save a slam figure to disc :param scene: :param filename: :return:

visbrain_plot(mesh[, tex, caption, cblabel, …])

Visualize a trimesh object using visbrain core plotting tool :param mesh: trimesh object :param tex: numpy array of a texture to be visualized on the mesh :param clim: (min,max) for your colorbar, by defaut min and max of tex :param caption: title of the plot (string) :param clabel: :param cmap: colormap (string) :param bgcolor: color of the background (string or rgb triplet) :return: